key variables - traducción al ruso
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key variables - traducción al ruso

Irregular variables

key variables      
ключевые переменные
major key         
  • ii-V<sup>7</sup>-I progression]] in C [[File:Ii-V-I turnaround in C.mid]]
Major key; Key (Music); Musical key; Major Key; Key of D; Musical keys; Key coloration; Key relationship; Musical Key; Music key; Minor-key; Minor–key; Major-key; Key of E
мажорная тональность
major key         
  • ii-V<sup>7</sup>-I progression]] in C [[File:Ii-V-I turnaround in C.mid]]
Major key; Key (Music); Musical key; Major Key; Key of D; Musical keys; Key coloration; Key relationship; Musical Key; Music key; Minor-key; Minor–key; Major-key; Key of E

общая лексика

мажорный тон

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primary key


(Key West)

город на Юго-Востоке США, в штате Флорида, на о. Ки-Уэст, соединённый автодорогой (проложенной через цепь коралловых островов по мостам и дамбам) с полуостровом Флорида. 27,6 тыс. жителей (1970). Рыболовство. Зимний морской курорт.


Irregular variable

An irregular variable is a type of variable star in which variations in brightness show no regular periodicity. There are two main sub-types of irregular variable: eruptive and pulsating.

Eruptive irregular variables are divided into three categories:

  • Group I variables are split into subgroups IA (spectral types O to A) and IB (spectral types F through M).
  • Orion variables, GCVS type IN (irregular and nebulous), indigenous to star-forming regions, may vary by several magnitudes with rapid changes of up to 1 magnitude in 1 to 10 days, are similarly divided by spectral type into subgroups INA and INB, but with the addition of another subgroup, INT, for T Tauri stars, or INT(YY) for YY Orionis stars.
  • The third category of eruptive irregulars are the IS stars, which show rapid variations of 0.5 to 1 magnitude in a few hours or days; again, these come in subgroups ISA and ISB.

Pulsating irregular giants or supergiants, called slow irregular variables, are all of late spectral types (K, M, C, or S), and classed as type L-LB for giants and LC for supergiants. How many of these are actually semi-regular variables that simply need more study, remains unclear.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para key variables
1. It's leaving out this key variables.
Brain Fuel to Beat the Afternoons Slump _ Will Nitze _ Talks at Google
2. This key variable that links concentrations
Climate Shock _ Gernot Wagner _ Talks at Google
3. that was the key variable to focus on.
Democracy at Work - Curing Capitalism _ Richard Wolff _ Talks at Google
4. And we took a look at three key variables
Thanks for the Feedback _ Doug Stone & Sheila Heen _ Talks at Google
5. And so we have a number of key variables that we control: oxygen content,
Ejemplos de uso de key variables
1. In the research, Dr McCrae estimated the average levels of particular traits in each of 4' cultures, using standard personality surveys that assess people on key variables.
2. While continuing to observe movements of all key variables and taking timely corrective actions, the key objective of the monetary policy would be to fight inflation and bring it down to a reasonable level during the next six months.
3. While continuing to observe movements of all key variables and taking timely corrective actions, the State Bank has reaffirmed its resolve that the key objective of the monetary policy would be to fight inflation and bring it down to a reasonable level during the next six months.